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My story

is similar to millions of others around the world. I am an ordinary guy, a proud husband and father of 3, who lives normal suburbs life. I always had a complicated relationship with alcohol (well, other stuff as well, but this has always been my favorite). In the past few years I came to realize how problematic this habit has become for me and for my surroundings and I've been trying to get to the bottom of it for quit a while. 

At the time of writing these lines, I am sober. But, as you probably know since you're reading this, it's a daily battle. It's a social battle, it's a financial battle, relationships but most of all - it's a battle against myself. 

So after writing for years in my own google docs folder, I decided to start sharing. 

I find writing a very powerful cure, and if I can help others by reading some of my thoughts, then I've done my piece.

hope you like it and please feel free to write back with anything that comes to mind.


thank you for reading. 

peace and love. 

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