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Sober flying

Airports and flights are literally designed around alcohol. Free drinks tasting in the duty-free, endless variety of bottles in the shop, beer on tap in every airport restaurant and onboard drinks. They used to serve it for free, now they rarely do, not that money every prevented me from order yet another 4 small bottles of wine.

So today I’m flying sober for the first time in my adult life. I don’t recall even one single flight I was AF, quite the opposite. On most flights I would get semi-to-fully drunk and get off the plan feeling like shit before heading home, or even worse – to work. So I had 2 espressos before the flight, bought a bottle of water and wished myself good luck. I’m on my way to London for work, but in London, there’s always after-work-drinks, especially when the English football team is playing the EURO tonight. How will I get through that, is something I will worry about later.

I sit on the plane, open my laptop to write and work, quiet quickly the stewardess offers me a wine with my meal. And when I refused, she was confused – “so just coffee and water?” “Yes, please”.

Humanity does not realize how our alcohol is so deeply engraved in our lives, in our day to day, in everything we do. We are so accustomed to having alcohol anytime anywhere – family occasions, birthdays, funerals, flights, dinners, vacations, in bars, restaurants or in the 7/11. We’re prisoners of a licensed drug that completely obscured our vision and understanding of what we are consuming and what is the toll it takes. For the majority of the people, they just get by it, have a few from time to time, have a few too many once a year or so – but for us, who just can’t resist it – it’s a huge problem. It destroys everything in our lives and shows no mercy.

We’re about to land in London for my short business trip. I feel like a man on a mission for sobriety. Let’s face it, spending 3 days alone in London in the summer and staying AF – sounds like mission impossible for me. I am not yet sure how – but I know I will make it.

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