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  • Writer's pictureSober dude

Why? no reason

 It was just another Saturday night. I was traveling, with no kids or obligations. Obviously I had a few drinks alone before going to bed the night before. Woke up, and swore that this is it. But you know, as the day progresses, your mind change. The "will never drink again" quickly transforms to "well, i got the night to myself with friends - so why not?" 

Fast forward to 22:00, I fell asleep on the couch at my friends house, with all the friends around me. I was trashed, drunk as fuck. I don't know why. I don't know what is that thing that pushes me to do that again and again. 

Needless to say, i woke up the next morning, swore again, and by 1400, at the airport, i was swallowing wine like it was fresh air for a scuba diver. 

I am fucked. I am so fucking fucked. 

So, why? 

I have no idea. It just catches me, forces me, makes me stupid, weak. It's like my mind is split to 2 - one side knows that it's poison. It knows that its the worst thing, in any aspect of life - and then the other side, that outsmarts the first one, like a dark sorcerer and wins everytime. 

I guess that's why the call it addiction. 


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